Liberate your Infinite wisdom & power that create riches with ease and grace



  • Your information is 100% confidential and will never be shared.
  • ExpĂ©rimentez une transmission multi-dimensionnelle canalisĂ©e pour ancrer et incarner votre pleine souverainetĂ©.
  • LibĂ©rez-vous des limites et des plafonds de verre pour rĂ©aliser votre mission sacrĂ©e avec assurance, magnĂ©tisme et inspiration.
  • IdĂ©al pour les femmes entrepreneures multi-dimensionnelles, prĂȘtes Ă  faire un saut quantique vers leur plus haute ligne de prospĂ©ritĂ©.
  • Receive a multi-dimensional transmission to help you come back to your Natural State of Flow, Sovereignty & Prosperity.
  • Perfect for the multi-D feminine entrepreneurs who are ready to quantum leap on their highest, prosperous timeline sharing their most potent and innate gifts.
  • Release the limitations, unconscious fears and unworthiness that prevents you to carry out your sacred mission with confidence, magnetism and inspiration.


- Latoya's Testimonial -

- Andria's Testimonial-

- Taylor's Testimonial -

About your hostess

Hi, I'm Chizu Sakamoto

Former PhD in Science now Multi-D Mentore.

Master Energy Coach & Embodiment Mentor, I help Consciousness Leaders & Entrepreneurs break through their glass ceiling and thrive in their soul-work the feminine way : with more confidence, intuition and mastering their energy flow.

Overachieving women reach out to me when they are tired of the ‘struggle paradigm’ of doing more-more-more (eg. more healing, more mindset, more work, more marketing, etc...), feeling burnt-out and depleted.

They feel that they already have everything they need to reach their next level of expansion by themselves but something is holding them back and they can't put their finger on it

AND they simply know that they will go 10 times faster with a mentor who allows them to expand at high speed.

As a former PhD in Biology, I understand the challenges to shift from a more traditional paradigm to full, uncensored Self-Expression and I now teach others how to channel their Original, Source Language to facilitate Consciousness Expansion and multi-dimensional healing.

My mission is to reconnect everyone who feels the inner calling to Higher Realms and Possibilities by embodying their Innate Wisdom and Power so that they become their own Mentor and materialize their greatest Vision.

Ready to start now with this powerful activation?

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